Probiotics study collaborator visits KHRC
October 12, 2023 | News | Reading time: 2 min
The Centre on October 12, 2023 welcomed Dr. Nelly Amenyogbe, a collaborator on the Probiotics pilot implementation study. This study seeks to carry out a pilot to evaluate the administration of Probiotic supplementation among pregnant women in their 5th to 6th month to improve their health and that of their unborn children.

Dr. Amenyogbe's paid a working visit to the Centre to have face to face discussions about study activities and interactions with the field team and some study participants. She visited the Prof. Seth Owusu-Agyei clinical laboratory at KHRC where study sample processing and storage procedures were explained to her. Dr. Amenyogbe and the team visited the field and interacted with study participants. Husbands and some family members of some of the participants were present when the team arrived at their homes. They generally expressed excitement about the study and some partners called for studies targeting men. The team also visited the KHRC Pharmacy Department to observe how the investigational products are handled, stored and the procedures for distributing to study participants. The team then had a debriefing on all the activities undertaken. Dr Amenyogbe was enthused about the conduct of the study so far and expressed her gratitude to the study team and the management of KHRC for the conduct of the study.