PRISMA Study Trains Staff on Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI).
August 18, 2023 | News | Reading time: 3 min
The Pregnancy Risk, Infant Surveillance, and Measurement Alliance (PRISMA) study team organised a four-day training session from 24th to 27th July, 2023 for 18 field workers on Integrated Management of Childhood illnesses (IMCI). IMCI is an integrated approach that focuses on health and well-being.
The training is in line with the study procedures which include building the capacity of study staff and healthcare providers to identify any clinical signs or symptoms as defined by the World Health Organization Integrated Management of Childhood illnesses (IMCI) criteria.

The contents of these trainings covered capacity building initiative for trainees to appropriately assess, classify and counsel study mothers on their infants’ condition and refer when necessary for care from a health facility. The topics discussed included; skills in assessing the infant or child to determine illness or possible infections, classification of the infections or illnesses, identification of treatment options for the infant or child, strategies for counseling the mother, strategies for follow up care.
The PRISMA study aims to collect harmonized data across five countries in Asia and Africa on gaps in the services that women receive during pregnancy (ANC), delivery (IPC) and after delivery (PNC). The harmonized data will inform the development of innovative strategies to optimize pregnancy outcomes for mothers and their newborns.