KHRC Host Delegation from Novartis
February 26, 2024 | News | Reading time: 2 min
On November 9th, 2023, a delegation from Novartis visited the Kintampo Health Research Centre (KHRC) to gain insights into the Centre's operations. The purpose of the visit was also to learn about how the Centre intends to run the projects sponsored by Novartis, gather feedback, and discuss potential support from Novartis to enhance the Centre's success in projects' implementation.

During the visit, Dr. Seyram Kaali, the head of the clinical research department, delivered a presentation on KHRC's clinical trial experience. Dr. Kaali provided an overview of KHRC, highlighting key thematic areas such as clinical trials and interventions, operational and implementation research, communicable and non-communicable diseases, environmental health, malaria, neglected tropical diseases, health policy and program evaluation, and family health research.
Dr. Kaali emphasized that over the past two decades, KHRC has conducted both vaccine and drug trials. He delved into ongoing projects within the clinical trial department, showcasing KHRC's clinical trial infrastructure, sample processing and storage capabilities, laboratory management system, and the ethics and regulatory review processes in place.
Following the presentations, a question and answer session took place, covering diverse issues, including capacity building initiatives.
Caroline Boulton, the Global Program Head Malaria at Novartis, then presented an overview of Novartis.
The visit concluded with a tour of the KHRC facility, encompassing the clinical laboratory, clinical trial facility, and archive.