Network of Practice (NoP) Cross-Site Training from May 27-June 1, 2024.
June 15, 2024 | News | Reading time: 2 min
The Network of Practice (NoP) program is one of Ghana’s flagship strategies to attain Universal Health Coverage (UHC), with a focus on primary health care. The program is focused on improving quality health services, partnership and innovation. A Network of Practice involves creating a linkage of health facilities within a defined geographical area to provide comprehensive health services. These networks are intended to “maximize efficiencies in the use of resources towards improving quality and coverage” by connecting primary care service points around a “hub”.

Towards the process evaluation of the NoP program, Kintampo Health Research Centre hosted a cross-site training. This brought together facilitators and research assistants from Kintampo, Dodowa and Navrongo Health Research Centres in a six-day training to enhance their skills and understanding of the NoP evaluation study. The training sessions involved a variety of activities aimed at fostering collaboration, improving knowledge of the NoP study, and training participants on specific tools and methodologies essential for the evaluation study.